
BANDOH Jewelry CEO learns insights, helpful tips from business bash of ‘Shark Tank’ investor Daymond John

Posted at 14.Mar, 08:03h In Clients By - 0 Comments

Diana Bandoh, Dallas-based jewelry entrepreneur, began her business last April during a trip to Bali. Considering it is still in its budding stages, this opens opportunities for growth and expansion using stage-of-the-art business and internet strategies.

Enter the mind of Daymond John, popular to many for his role on ABC’s “Shark Tank,” who has been in charge of FUBU since 1992. “As an entrepreneur, you never stop learning,” are words he lives by, so it makes sense his crack team would host a series of business seminars for other entrepreneurs – new and older.

Titled “Success Formula,” Diana attended his seminars during the last two weekends of this past February to learn more ways of growing BANDOH Jewelry. The “eye-opening” event, in her own words, assembles experts from different parts of the nation to teach eager entrepreneurs how to run a business effectively.

“We learned different ways to generate operating income without taking money from investors, online marketing strategies, how to initiate relationships with suppliers and what to look for when recruiting talent to help scale our operations,” Diana said.

The first three days focused on generating investment income, while the remaining days teach digital marketing, omnichannel sales and the psychology driving purchasing decisions. Considering so much of the economy is aided by e-commerce, the omnichannel approach to selling via mobile, in-store and online truly resonated with Diana.

“One of the most interesting how-tos was about successfully running an Amazon business where your products ship directly from their fulfillment centers. I hadn’t thought about running on Amazon beforehand but I’m seriously considering implementing it into my business model now that I know what it takes to become a preferred seller.”

Being an Amazon preferred seller is important since it’s where the world’s largest e-commerce marketplace recommends merchants to consumers.

Diana and the other attendees were also taught how to build email lists, which are critical assets for any product-based business.

“The speakers were experts on everything from email marketing, to social media marketing, to branding. Hearing from them made me realize the need to continue learning because new challenges arise every day.”

Diana is looking at various in-store opportunities and overseeing a website overhaul moving forward. Her entrepreneurial drive and enthusiasm will continues increasing as her product lines gain more attraction in the metro.

“It is a little daunting, but I am excited about the fabulous education I’ll receive as BANDOH Jewelry goes into its second year!”

Pearls and Stone by DB and The Bandoh Collection are sold on the official BANDOH website, and can also be found on Etsy. Follow Diana and her adventures on Facebook and Instagram.

Featured Image Courtesy of BANDOH Jewelry.

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